

Hint: Statistics of station Hida, Gifu are displayed. Takaisin asemalle 1840(kanagawa)

Hida, Gifu tilastot

Here you can find statistics of the TOA lightning detection station Hida, Gifu.

General statistics of the last hour

  • Asema aktiivinen: yes / Ei vastaanottoa
  • Last update: noin 1,549,217.4 minuuttia sitten
  • Viimeisin havaittu salamanisku: 2021-07-22 23:24:24
  • Salamaniskut: 0
  • Signaalit: 0
  • Paikannussuhde: -
  • Iskusuhde: 0.0%
  • Strokes station min participants (17-20 Asemat): 0 (0.0%)

Surrounding area

Salamaniskujen tiheys

Here you can see the whole stroke count per hours detected by the lightning network, the count of detected strokes/h of the station Hida, Gifu and the mean stroke count for all stations

Graafit: Salamastatistiikka

Signaalien tiheys

The count of received signals per hour of the station Hida, Gifu and also mean value of all stations.

Graafit: Signaalistatistiikka


Stroke and locating ratios are important parameters for the correct adjustment of the station. Calculations:
locating ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (signals of the station)
stroke ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (network stroke count)

Graafit: Paikannus- ja iskusuhteet

Stroke ratio by distance

Overview about the own locating ratio over distance from stations. Whole stroke count over distance is also visible.

Graafit: Stroke ratio by distance

Stroke ratio by bearing

Own locating ratio over the geographic direction. For better comparision, there is also the whole stroke count visible.

Graafit: Salamaniskujen suhde suuntaan